Sharing our Future Foundation

Sharing Our Future Foundation (SOFF)

Supporting BACI and the Community

The Sharing Our Future Foundation (SOFF) was created in 1992 to raise funds for building BACI’s Still Creek Centre. SOFF has since broadened its mandate to partner in BACI’s prosperity — developing funds and strategic resources so that BACI can offer more opportunities for people to discover their skills and passions and reach for their dreams. To be and become who they want.

“Prosperity is about being strong and thriving… moving beyond the status quo. This applies to the individuals and families we serve as well as the Association and community as a whole.” – Tanya Sather, Executive Director

How Can You Join us in Supporting BACI’s Work?

Donate to the SOFF today — Click here

Your gift can change the world for the people served by BACI — giving them more opportunities to learn and grow and become connected, contributing members of the community.

Whether you want to donate now or later through your will, you can leave a charitable legacy while providing for the needs of your loved ones — and reducing taxes. There are many giving options available today.

Gifts that will support BACI:

  • Donations — of money, real estate, securities, etc.
  • Bequests in your will — of money, real estate, securities, etc.
  • Life insurance
  • Charitable gift annuities
  • Charitable remainder trusts
  • Proceeds from Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) or Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs)

If you would like more information on donating to BACI through the SOFF, please contact or call 604.299.7851.

SOFF Mission

To seek support and assistance, financial and otherwise, from all persons and organizations for the purpose of supporting BACI’s commitment to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families.

SOFF Vision

SOFF will leverage its collective community connections and business acumen to be partners in BACI’s prosperity.

SOFF Board of Directors

Chair: Nicole Mangan

Vice Chair: Eric LeBeau

Directors: Gina Carvalho, Amar Grewal, Leza Muir

BACI Staff Support: Richard Faucher and Tanya Sather, CEOs

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